For many years it has been reported that open source philosophies inspire increased transparency and liberty. There are certainly indications that commercial organisations have moved towards an open source culture particularly in software industries. And now there is increasing business potential for open source software ventures. People often think of open source as something you do for altruistic purposes (=for free) but Drupal may just be an indication that open source is evolving.
The Drupal CMS, has been a distinguished figure in open source software developments, allowing geographically-separated individuals or communities to easily publish website content. Since its beginnings in 2000, Drupal’s ideology has been heavily focused on community and collaboration, adopting an open policy on its source code, free for anyone to modify. No-one at Drupal could have ever anticipated the scale to which code has been reused/remixed/recycled in the creation of new modules and new functionality. And here lies Drupal’s uniqueness: it is maintained and developed by a community of thousands of users and developers communicating via forums and IRC channels. Community and collaboration are Drupal’s lifeblood.
Peter Brownell is just one of the developers who have been instrumental within the Drupal community, contributing to numerous modules and running the London Drupal Users Group. He also runs his own Drupal consultancy (Code Positive) and for this reason he came to Ravensbourne College to share with students and staff some Drupal wizardry.
Fark TV - Homeless Soccer
As children, we dreamed of joining the Organization of Homeless Soccer Players, but gainful employment and shelter proved to be obstacles. Thankfully, Fark TV recreated their tear-jerking and odoriferous struggle for those of us who dare to dream.
Rave MA student Faustino Moneta from Argentina, aka ....and his group hits chard's in America latina MTV with "Papina is what I want." Song let say is about, Ivy - Toxicodendron radicans of an Native American or better to say American Indian grown up and his secular affairs with the world around him. The lead singer writes to MAZINE: I would like to share with you, the new video clip PAPINA our band has just finished, which will be transmitted in MTV, which is cool for us. Although its in Spanish and no one will understand a thing, it doesn't matter because lyrics arent too deep to be honest. Banda Jamon crudo You see here the new song of Banda Jamon crudo, the band cured ham, Papina is what I want.
The Venice Project is trying to revolutionize how you watch TV.
You should be able to watch tv where and when you want to, and see TV that is actually of interest to you. This includes using/extending features such as “Web 2.0â€, f.x. creating and using community-based information — using P2P and the client the software itself is based on XULRunner.
In a flipped out meta Columbia era, kids have to be ninjas to survive..
Thankfully they are! and are here! so, have the fear! and let this mammals alone.
for more ninjas..
ofcourse, there are and the Pirates..