This is not a new issue. It has been going on for more than 2 years, and must stop now!
Today hundreds of thousands of lives hang in the balance in Darfur, Africa. Currently the death toll exceeds 100,000 and may be more than 400,000. And the crisis continues...
Tens of thousands of civilians have been murdered and thousands of women raped in Sudan’s western region of Darfur by Sudanese government soldiers and members of the government-supported militia sometimes referred to as the Janjaweed.
i am so angry. i recently updated my 4G ipod clickwheel to the latest version of itunes 7.01 and now its killed my ipod. Having searched the web, looks like this is serious hardware/firmware issue which many many people are also suffering with. And the worst thing is there's no fix. Apple 5 R's: Reset, Retry, Restart, Reinstall, Restore just aint working this time. and its just not good enough.
Following Ilan's link to Le Web3 (Third Les Blogs conference), I subsequently came across an article on Le Web3 wiki which casts more predictions about web 3.0.
"As Aristotle said, touch is the first and foremost of our senses, in order to feel, and feeling is what we long for...What this means is that our Web 3.0 experience should tomorrow culminate in physical and virtual as perfect convergence as possible: when and where I want to see, read, know, discover, touch, smell, meet with, be, kiss, taste, haze, enjoy, take, get, send, fly, give, ship."
I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone thought of a way to more closely intergrate the ipod and sex industry (although apparently not for the first time). The OhMiBod is a thrilling new twist on ipod powered vibrators - vibrating to the beat of your music. Seems to be plug & play in all sense of the term which will plug into anything which generates sound. The Q&A section on the website made me chuckle...
gnarls Biggie is an independant released infringement-laden remix project put together by the increasingly (g)notorious DJ unit, Sound Advice. The disc is filled with chopped Gnarls Barkley tracks, and layered with the timeless lyrics of New York's black Frank White, Biggie Smalls. Completed over the past few weeks, the disc has been repeatedly removed from myspace, but that hasn't thwarted its creators. If anything it has made them work harder to share their creation with music lovers. Sit back, relax and give it a listen. get there
(Régine, if you are reading this...Sorry!)
Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 2005:
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, "check it dont wreck it" would be it!
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth...Don't worry about the future...Do one thing every day that scares you...blah blah blah blah...AND MOST OF ALL...