Sat 26th September:
Participatory demonstration - Marcel Duchamp meets Blue Peter.
Sun 27th September:
World Premier of Class Wargames film - The Game of War.
The Situationist Raoul Vaneigem famously wrote "There are no more artists since we've all become artists. Our next work of art is the construction of a full-blooded life." - The Revolution of Everyday Life.
13 June – 2 August 2009
Open Friday-Sunday 12-5
Private View: Saturday, 13 June 16:00–19:00
A start for an discourse about broadcasting. We have to reflect the current socio-political and cultural status of the world. This is a very interesting time in which we are living in. The values of the industry and business community, followed the politicians into corruption, bankruptcy and is now finally as well braking apart.
The leading RFID Company in china -- DAILY RFID (www.rfid-in-china.com )recently announced a new kind of UHF RFID Tag of 125KHz(LF) or 13.56MHz ,which can be easily integrated into many RFID projects,with a very cost even lower than 0.6USD.
Photo: Skaters in front of Kiasma museum
The festival Pixelache in Helsinki was initiated by Juha Huuskonen 6 years ago. Bringing together a relatively young crowd, it has become a fixture on the festival circuit. This year's festival was about 'Architectures of Participation' thematizing the tension between media art, open source and what is known as Web 2.0. Ravensbourne Postgraduate Studies lecturers Lisa Haskel and Armin Medosch presented Open Source learning techniques at Pixelache.
Remember those Star Trek episodes "Scotty, beam me up!" ?
We humans have always dreamed of "beaming" ourselves, objects or even travel in time. In fact, every morning I travel on the London Underground to work, I ask myself how the world would look like, if we could all be "beamed". But that's all science fiction - everybody would agree!