Please join us for the launch event on 28 July 2012, 2 til 5 PM, at Furtherfield Gallery.
Artist and composer Michael Szpakowski has worked with local children and their families to create a generative sound sculpture that invokes the collective memory of childhood, drawing on the memories of Haringey residents from all over the world.
Every Saturday 3 March - 28 April 2012, 10-12pm (excluding 7 April)
The Embroidered Digital Commons is a collectively stitched version of ‘A Concise Lexicon of/for the Digital Commons’ by the Raqs Media Collective (2003). The project seeks to hand-embroider the whole lexicon, term by term, through workshops and events as a practical way of close-reading and discussing the text and its current meaning.
Part of the Being Social exhibition at Furtherfield Gallery.
Would you like to stitch the Digital Commons with us?
25 February - 28 April 2012 - Thursday to Saturday 12 noon - 3pm
Opening Event: Saturday 25 February 2012, 1-4pm
Press View: Friday 2 March 2012, 10-12 noon
rsvp: info@furtherfield.org
Join us for Being Social, our opening exhibition of contemporary artworks that explore how our lives - personal and political - are being shaped by digital technologies.
Furtherfield has established an international reputation as London's first gallery for networked media art since 2004. With this exciting move to a more public space we invite the public, artists and techies - amateurs, professionals, celebrated stars and private enthusiasts - to engage with local and global, everyday and epic themes in a process of imaginative collaboration and exchange.
Saturday 25 February 2012
Furtherfield presents Moving Forest 500 Slogans workshop at Victoria & Albert Museum.
Join AKA the Castle for up to 5 slogan workshop sessions, December 2nd-4th at the V&A, as part of Moving Forest London 2012 initiative.
The Moving Forest 500 slogans workshop brings together writers, artists, performers, theatre practitioners, soundists, noisers, singers (of all genres), scholars and folks to decipher the 500 slogans written by Dr Matthew Fuller alongside Graham Harwood's 12 hour rendering of the final 12 minutes of Kurosawa's film version of Macbeth, Spider Web Castle.
Conspiracy theories are, by their definition, neither ultimately refutable or acceptable. In order to hold true, they rely on the acceptance that the full evidence is not reachable. They are based on a shared belief: the idea that each one of us is an unaware piece in a mysterious master plan. Crowdsourcing, instead, makes this more transparent. Each user contributes to the creation of something which is bigger than the sum of each singular production. The final plan remains unknown, but it is actively produced by a large crowd.
This short (20 minute) film has been made by artist Michael Szpakowski working with two classes of year 4 pupils at Southwark Park school in Bermondsey.
Freely adapted from King Hrolf Kraki’s Saga it is a grim tale of internecine bloodletting in Viking times told in the childrens’ own words and acted out by them.
Come along and experience reality being remixed...
Private View: 25 February 6.30-9pm
Live performance by Garrett Lynch at 7.30pm
Open Thursday - Saturday, 12-5pm
Date: 25 February - 26 March 2011
Venue: Furtherfield (formerly HTTP)
Special guests on the night - Dr. Richard Barbrook, Andy Cameron, Garrett Lynch, Eleonora
Oreggia aka XNAME and Quayola.
In a world where individuals and communities are connected via real-time technologies in a state of