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The three day extravaganza of talks, workshops, performances and exhibitions returns for the 2nd time to the Dana Centre in London.Workshops by: Arduino, Processing, Blogging, HIVE networking, Drupal, Critical Practice, Little Sound DJ
Book your place on a workshop via the Dana-Centre’s website.
The Take Away Festival in the Node London context once more showed up, how closely software development, media and arts are connected to each other.
For many people, at the first glance, there may not seem to be an intermediate connection between those industries - particularly not between software development and arts.
The three days festival was a "melting pot" for people with all sorts of expertise.
From people that know nothing about this exciting field of new media. To students that are keen on taking part in this "revolution". To artists and experts that made Open Source their way of living.
Which made it the ideal place for me to exhibit my work, and do some research for my project.
dpi - Digital Palestine Israel, is a work in progress, and the festival gave me an opportunity to receive some very helpful and constructive criticism.
(from left to right:) Jim Wood's Max Objects workshop and Adam Burt's Podcasting workshop from TakeAway Day2 (Thurs 30 March).
I actually attended Adam's workshop mainly because I have already had a number of Max msp lesson's with Jim.
I learnt a number of things during Adam's session, not only about how to Podcast but also it was interesting to learn about people's perceptions about the general podcasting 'hype'.