
Minority Report, 7 years later 2009, still to go till 2054, than when live will get better by Intel.

No, its not cloud computing and also not fog computing, neither augmented reality or immersive. This movie since his appearance in 2002, is for computer geeks the holy shrine of computer graphics visualisation and provides the necessary live west's for parts of the computer industry. The Hollywood science-fiction-thriller, made by Steven Spielberg and core player, Scientology actor Tom Cruise ("lost in acting"), raised the entertainment bar. Rumour says, that Spielberg also embraced Scientology and this movie was mainly financed by them. Drag, drop, touch, turn, pull, the magic on your finger tips, who wouldn't be fascinated to drag away the ugliness from our windscreens and by the way, the armada of computer gamers is biting along there fingernails waiting, for the prediction of minority report to become reality of the majority. See also Microsoft research and Holopro. Here you see a typical Industry promo girl, a video from the Las Vegas CES show, she explains how live will be better, yes later. Polygon crunching is in this case crucial and needs several Intel's Core i7 Familie's to get the job done.

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