The Sound of eBay project by Uebermorgen
See at The Sound of eBay, GENERATE YOUR OWN EBAY-SONGS FROM EBAY-USER-DATA [video visual coding by Lia].
We generate unique songs by using eBay user-data. You simply enter any eBay
username (your own or someone else's) and add your email address so we can
notify you as soon as the song is ready for downloading. Then click „generate“ and our robots sprawl out into the net to collect data. Then the robots bring back the data to our sc3 supercollider soundgeneration-engine. Finally, the complex software-machine starts generating a score-file which is then transformed into your unique but uniform song and presented in teletext porn style! We sell out your human needs digitally... STORY First there was silence... Then there was data... But there was no story... Just images and sounds... Cities were built and a grid was laid on top of the topography. Within this global grid a company named eBay became the largest marketplace, with very local marketspaces. eBay is romantic and seductive, not like the local fleamarkets in Paris (Le marché aux puces de Saint-Ouen) but sexed up a million times bigger and spherically transcended, much more effective and thoroughly commercialized. We love it! "The Sound of eBay" is the affirmative high-end low- tech contribution to the atomic soundtrack of the new peer-to-peer hyper- catastrophic shock-capitalism. The sound is cool, the machine produces masses of songs and replicates millions of times throughout the networks – flooding the net, a bubbling sea of artifical songs visualized in CONTEMPORARY teletext – a continental drift within a macromusic universal urban scape. Trash-Radio. [via Ubermorgen press release].