
What has a killer application to do with the free market place?

This term is the darling of the industry. Only al killer application or killer apps, can succeed. Killer application a philosophy that says, If I win, then you must lose. Product A is a product B killer. The only subtle difference is, between a platform that dies as a result of evolutionary forces and one that gets killed off by a competitor, in the free market place. What does that say to us? Maybe that the driving force behind technological development, "software hardware nowhere" is a killer mentality. We all which are using computer know the story behind, that time will come when, intelligent robots will take over the command and this is our final destiny. This master plan is a blueprint for all the advancement in the computer industry, the engineers follow blindly and repeat the mantra of faster and more. Or is it that the engineers are pushing for a better world, in times of "Climate change", where there brainpower could serve to improve the planets conditions.

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