BodyDataSpace thier event had been held 6th,7th and 13th March and they host three evening the extending cross over between body reactive interfaces, large screen display and public/performative interventions. Movie file is next page!!
These events are aimed at creating exchange, debate and vision-sharing between movement and digital artists and practitioners. the focus will be on a deeper consideration of the attributes and creativity of the human body itself.
So, I would like to introduce following movie from 7th March.
This project merges Computer Music, Interactive Computer Graphics and Computer Vision (the software developed in C++ by the artists Rudolfo Quintas and Tiago Dinisio) with Performance(chreography and interpretation by Joao Costa). Exploring how interactive Media Arts (in augmented really format, using computer vision) affect/influence choreogrphy, gesture augmention and the dynamic composition of the Visual Arts domain.
This project emphasizes the motion beyond what can be seen, exposing the hidden fluxes that run inside and around our body, and according the micro/macro scale, changing our conception and comprehension od reality. Having this in mind, we developed an Augmented Reality Interactive system to capture the performer`s silhouette in real-time and to immerge him in a virtual space where he interacts with thousands small particles. The particle`s behavior and composition is modeled by the interpreter`s motion and by digital artist`s manipulation. This collaboration originates a dialogue that is embodied in the projection space.
The interection interface represents a metaphor that allows seeing the between the unseen fluxes and the inner and outer space of the body.The formal space domain becomeshybrid and probabilistic switching between the abstruct and the figurative imagery.
Co-creation and interpretation- Joao Costa, Rudolfo Quintas and Tiago Dionisio
Choreography- Joao Costa
Software development- sound and interactive digital art, Rudolfo Quintas and
Tiago Dionisio
Observers- Andreia Pinto Sousa and David Santos
Costume- Helena Mota
Photo credit- Andreia Pinto Sousa
(some text from event brief and more detail is:SWAP