
Bunny smells with its belly!

Cute bunny Nabaztag (click to visit the website, it will make you feel really delightful~) has been upgraded since mid December.


Yep, the cyberworld the real world is more and more closed to each other!

Before, the rabbit can perminatley connected through WiFi to the internet, observating information, music, email, web articles ,which you will care in everyday life. Then it would tell you whenever you have new mails or informations by its movement or voice. It can even singnal you the up and down of Nasdaq stock market with its right or left flash. Cute, talktive and informative!

Now, its second generation could "smell" information or object, using the RFID function with the belly button, and thus able to react with object's action...say the doors open, and the rabbit will happily annouce your message has come, etc.

A funny and useful demostration video is availabledemo

I would love to have one for the holiday season, it just that the rabbit is still a little bit expensive to me as this point. But if anyone is interested in the rabbit, you could either buy it on amazon or visit design museum, it is available there!

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