Please take a look at my latest project: the wreckers
The wreckers is an online tool which generates a collaborative networked illustration on a specific issue - the recent story of the looting of goods washed ashore from the grounded container ship MSC Napoli on the Devonshire coast.
Each illustration aims to project an objective/ rounded view of the subject. I do this by mixing live public comments with my drawings.
There are two sets of comments being pulled into the picture: a BBC 'Have your say' RSS feed on the subject of the wreckers, and the user comments posted on the wreckers website. The comments support or conflict with each other - there's a debate going on within the picture. This mix aims to make the work more relevant/ connected to the subject, but also to give rise to chance forms and connections that can make interesting pictures, with chance unintended meanings.
The RSS feed and user comments are converted into shapes, so all the forms in the picture are built dynamically by the data.
I invite everyone to participate and generate their own pictures - there is an option to print at postcard size at 300dpi. The more participators, the richer the work becomes, as all comments are integrated into the generated pictures. Also please give me your feedback / tell me your views- it's very helpful for me to know what people think of my work, and to pick up on any ways of improving it.
My intention is to select the five best generated pictures, and then regenerate them on a bigger scale as large prints in an exhibition or gallery setting.
About my work
I'm interested in democratising art creation, and believe that by making my work open I can make it more interactive, relevant and richer.
The core of my work is illustrated stories: satirical and socio-political - using traditional media as well as online and networked media. My works aim to exploit the online medium, especially: collaborative, networked, computer generated. This work is a progression of my past recent works which integrate networked data into stories and illustrations.
Please see my blog for further details of my work.