About the obsolete man and the juvenescence of the machine. From Antonionis disappearing "Blow up" character to Microsoft's future scenarios for disappearing humans. Unknowingly and obvious industry illustrates open and proud the future of the disappearance of man. The figure and the hidden ground. The man is obvious (that's why obsolete) the machine is the hidden (that's why important). Not so new interaction concept's emphasise human- centred interaction, the human is in the foreground of all interest and the machine is ubiquitously hidden, in an connected process. The human even does not need anymore to touch surfaces, they alter automatically into touch or motion-sensitive surfaces connecting the human with the online state, the connected state, always, when ever, constant and instantaneous. The pure senselessness, the white innocent clean heaven of pro-sumers electrified paradise.
Engaged in feeding and teaching the connected multiverse of ubiquitous machines, we think that the progress of technology is a disconnected one, but actually it is a connected and orchestrated. An collaborative, parallel effort to build and educate the machines. When machines get connected they represent the global machine, distributed in action but connected as a brainpower which continuously adopts , learns, shares and upgrade. Its the logical and mathematicaly driven intelligence, familiar to bureaucrats and administrators, the socio group which adopted fastest to the futuristic conference call for cyborgs. The common perception is that cyborgs will look like "robo cops" no, they look like humans and they are out of flash. This is not just an Hollywood sci-fi imagination of the future, this is todays reality. A big portion of our society already adopted machine style of living embedded between data processes. The aim is to build machines that "learn from humans and respond in a socially and emotionally appropriate manner", web 2.0.
So what ever we do with software and hardware is either semi or fully compatible to other machines on WIFI, Bluetooth, GSM, GPS, Internet or RFID. The convergence of these connection standards is just a matter of time. This is one reason why Television is not a current medium, Television is not a connection-machine, Television is a projection machine. The next generation home-entertainment will be all connected LAN+ WAN, wireless or on cable with/to our bodies.
The open source community takes just part in this scenario. It has nothing to do with openness it is just connecting the ones which thinks of themselves as open sours to the source, to the grid, to the global machine. Operating system, open software does not matter less, it is just an other brand of connected live style. Community software, social software, like Napster, Goggle, You-Tube, My-space, eBay are all the newest applications which share there core mission to profile user behaviour data and resell them, yes. But what they really do is, keep the machines a live, so they improve and learn constantly through the help of millions of human operators which feed data into the system, "voluntarily".
The social and the community support is the obvious that what we see, that could not matter less, the importance happens in the bag-ground, the hidden, the analytical, the profiling processes storing data of user behaviour. They are secret they are hidden, this are the big assets of the next generation industry. Its not the old copyright on images, sound, movies, text, they could matter less, its about the data, the metadata which people are generating, unpaid and without any right of ownership. What is free and open access, is not free, the user pays with his live -content and keeps the application alive- You-Tube.
Besides that, if My-space, You-Tube or Goggle would be a real clever systems, they would distribute there shares to each participating user. This would generate more users and more voluntarily workers which would accelerate the learning of the global machine and generate gigantic quantities of user data. We are at the beginning, this all is just a soft start of all what will later come, we are living just in the beginning of the machine age.
In the hardware field the Connection Machine was a series of supercomputers that grew out of Danny Hillis's research in the early 1980s at MIT, one computer with thousands of CPU's, later Danny Hillis and Sheryl Handler founded Thinking Machines the foundation for later upcoming opposite concepts of grid computing, distributed processing across a parallel infrastructure, the virtual computer architecture.
String theory - Grid
The context worker, context became a fashion word in all arguments for people who do-not know why they are contexting.
Quotation Peter Rojas: "We know that some day our computers will kill us (either by rising up against us or by getting us so sucked into a six day-long WoW marathon that we forget to eat), but hey, you gotta die from something right? At least we'll go out knowing we spent every waking moment indoors doing something worthwhile like reading RSS feeds and downloading porn. Those are truly the hallmarks of a life well-spent, wouldn't you agree?".
Grid computing
String theory
Particle chart
Some hope this is Photoshop:
You get root access to a public ATM, with all its hardware (including dispensing of a couple tens of thousands of dollars) at your fingertips, and you use that root access to change the background image of the console?
There is hope for the world, after all.
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