
Next generation team rules Forum Stadtpark in Graz

Forum Stadtpark in Graz, Austria, was taken over on 5. June 2007, 9pm by a new plural dynamo-democratic team.

We wish them a lot of cash and courage, which they need in the semi burguX austrian city. This place carries a long history Forum Stadtpark of cultural activities and was ones Austrians prime address for the Avantgarde. Graz is the second-largest city of Austria, Nikola Tesla was ones a student there, Adolf Hitler was given a warm welcome, 2003 Graz was the "European Capital of Culture" which left a vacuum like a hydrogen bomb, similar to Kassel. I have been arrested ones there for performing in public space, a city full of nice and lovely people, who like to party. If you have contemporary ideas so just flood the Forum with proposals, you will see what you get. Other big players in the city are, the annual festival Steirischer Herbst, the local cyberspace oligarchs mur at and not to forget Peter Pakesch, who complimented Peter Weibel out of house, Kunsthaus Graz and left a smiling Heidi Grundmann, after a steirisch duo left for Linz (insiders know what I mean). PS: a scuzi to the photographer. I needed to shrink the image to fit pragmatically into the given frame, so that the reader can see clearly, the well dressed smart people.

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