In order to write my own short interactive scripts, I'm currently studying screenwriting. I've come across an excellent book - simply called "Story" by Robert McKee (1999) which deals with the principles of story design. - aimed at "screen and television writers, novelists, playwrights, journalists, anyone with a story to tell".
This struck a chord:
"... the novice plunges ahead, counting soley on experience, thinking that the life he's lived and the films he's seem give him something to say and the way to say it. Experience, however, is overrated. For most writers, the knowledge they gain from reading or study outweighs experience. Self-knowledge is the key - life plus deep reflections on our reactions to life."
by Neal White
An introduction to the Critical Practices element of the Post graduate Departments. Writing and commentary aimed at stimulating debates and response for future publication.
What is missing?
Exformation and practice
In his essential work, especially for anyone wishing to study this area, Charlie Gere explores the advent and the development of issues relating to what he terms ‘Digital Culture’ . Gere explores the inter-relation of critical theory, technological and cultural discourse within the framework of a historical study. Successfully and articulately exploring the relationship between cybernetics, systems and information theory, cultural activity and the outcomes of digital media experiments in art and technology, we begin to get the message; that digital culture is less instrumental than it is a discourse set in relation to its own medium, that there is a relation between ideas embedded in technology and our cultural activities as a whole. But in examining the production and work at media arts festival, of media art and technology groups, of cultural producers, in the flesh, you would be forgiven for an experience in which you might ask; what is missing?