

UN Climate Change Conference, Bali, part 3

Interest groups at UNFCC, here some numbers, IETA, International Trading Association with 336 delegates, layers, financiers, emission traders, consultants, certifiers and emission trading experts from big companies like Shell, is the biggest interest-group here.

UN Climate Change Conference, Bali, part 2

2 and 445 and "25 to 40" to 2020
2 degree Celsius, 445 parts per million of carbon dioxide, and 25 to 40% reduction on global warming later, will these two gas related formulas save us?

190 nations

UN Climate Change Conference, Bali, part 1

Mazine.ws is officially attending the conference in Bali, we will bring you our views on the subject and our impressions based on that what we hear and what gossip says.

Chinese blogger Wei Wenhua, beaten to death

Chinese blogger When Wei has been beaten to death by Government authorities for the crime of attempting to record a protest on his mobile phone.

Mazine server down, massive data loss

Hi, if you are a contributor please re enter the lost data, as we are in process to recover the lost files. The provider which was hosting Mazine went down under.

Pay as you go, with the Iraq war

The world market voluntarily retro financed Bushe's Iraq war, says MS. Here a General Motors ruin, worth $30.000 without military fittings.

OpenMoko "Open Source" mobile phone

Openmoko 1 and visit Openmoko 2
A touch phone has been quietly under development by the Linux community. OpenMoko is set to revolutionize mobile communications by providing the power of Linux in a hand held touch screen device.

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