DAILY RFID has newly come out with a latest RFID student attendance system for attendance management. This RFID student attendance tracking system provides robust, secure and automatic attendance management in schools.
DAILY RFID has engineered RFID software specifically for optimizing attendance tracking. Thus, combined RFID hardware with this software, it automates the whole system of students attendance registration, collection and data transformation. And this attendance system benefits the school in the following three aspects:
DAILY RFID has recently released a latest RFID class attendance system for automatic students attendance recording. Combined RFID hardware with attendance tracking software, it automates the whole system of students attendance registration, as well as the collection and transfer of data.
DAILY RFID has released HF RFID Attendance system for employees’ management. It is designed as is a self-intelligent integrated system for badge identification in access control application, especially in employees management.
Equipped with a HF integrated Gate reader and 13.56 MHz cards or key fobs, the HF RFID Attendance system can provide an easy and efficient solution for HR department to deal with the employee management. The HF integrated Gate reader can read multiple RFID tags at a fast identification rate of 30 to 50 pieces per second at the same time.
DAILY RFID has recently launched a hands-free RFID attendance tracking system for ID badge identification at meetings, conferences and schools, etc. The RFID attendance system allows people to enter a room without delay or human interaction while automated capture of attendees' data.