DAILY RFID has released UHF RFID Wrier/Tester DL9600 operating at 860MHz to 960MHz. With faster test times than traditional instrumentation and user-friendly design, the RFID Tester is specially designed as a low power UHF RFID Reader for writing and testing.
DAILY RFID has released UHF RFID Tester DL9600 specially for RFID test solution. As its low power consumption, this RFID tester is designed as a low-cost UHF Reader to detect if passive rfid tags are working properly.
DAILY RFID, a Chinese leading producer of RFID readers and RFID tags, has released UHF RFID Tester DL9600 specially designed for RFID test solution. This RFID tester works as a low power UHF RFID Reader for writing and testing.
DAILY RFID(www.rfid-in-china.com),a Chinese leading producer of RFID readers and RFID tags, has released UHF RFID Writer/Tester DL9600,a compact tool for RFID test. It is spcailly designed as a low power UHF RFID Reader for writing and testing.