
New Media

Sketch Furniture

We know our life is so convenient by new technology. One of reason is that technology reduces a lot of complcated process until getting a result. Here is a project, called sketch furniture, which consider this idea.

"The four FRONT members have developed a method to materialise free hand sketches. They make it possible by using a unique method where two advanced techniques are combined.

How we navigate in(to) the future

It is known to be a very common problem in humankind: Navigation. I believe, the way we put ourselves into local context will change profoundly in the future.


Al Gore, James Murdoch in con with Emiko Terazono about participatory democracy.

Listen to audio excerpts from Emiko Terazono’s interview with Al Gore and James Murdoch listen to the podcast on The Financial Times podcast read Gore and Murdoch join forces in TV deal check out Current

Andy Warhol - Chelsea Girls

Here two short extract's out of the movie shot in 1967, in eight different rooms of New York's Chelsea Hotel, it's said that this was the inspiration for Endemols reality TV formats. About Chelsea Girls and The Chelsea Girls Reviews and warhol and warholfoundation and WIKIpedia and bigbrother UK and bigbrother AU and bigbrother US

A Night with Antirom

My last night (meaning beers) in Linz was quite surprising. After a good meal, and finally a goulash (something I was long desiring for), Christian Giorgiano, Chris O'Shea and me headed to a last round at O.K Centre.

As all other situations here at Ars Electronica, once you arrive at a "social pole" like O.K Centre, we started to run into people that at least one of us knew. Suddenly, we are seating in a table with an amazing crew, former members of the group Antirom: Andy Cameron, now head of the interaction department at Fabrica, Andy Allenson, now with his studio Pickled Onion, and Joel Baumann, later one of the founders of Tomato Interactive, now teaching at Kassel University, Germany. Summing up, a big, big table.

The Laws of Simplicity

Don't forget to check John Maeda's blog, where he's developing what he calls "The Laws of Simplicity".

The research was formatted into a book as well , recently published by MIT Press. The project is sponsored (?) by Philips.


Ars Electronica 2006
Simplicity - The Art of Complexity

view more pictures at my flickr (slideshow)

Simple, simplify, simplistic, and keep on going. To understand this year’s Ars Electronica theme “Simplicity – The Art of Complexity” was definitely not simple. It wasn’t simple for me, it wasn’t simple for Wolfgang Bednarzek, one of the festival’s organizer, it wasn’t simple for John Maeda, the MIT virtuous genius; simply, it wasn’t simple.


'Shirley Bassey Mixed Up' is a collaborative biography: an illustrated biography of the legendary diva, where the reader helps to 'mix' the illustrations online, using Internet searches.

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