
New Media

Hey, let’s take part! It’s all for free!

Let's say, I have apples. A lot of apples. And I want to have a pear. What would I do? I would look out for someone who has a lot of pears and then trade an apple for a pear. This concept works fine, as long as the opposite is actually interested in my apples. But what if the my trading partner is actually looking for bananas? This makes the situation a bit more complex.

The solution to this would be, that you introduce some kind of "medium" that just bears value but other than that, there is nothing more to it. We've done it, we call it "money".

Game/Play exhibition - UK.

Playful interaction and goal-oriented gaming explored through media arts practice. Game/Play


The exhibition opens at two different venues, in the UK and then joins, to tour as a single touring show. Game/Play is a networked national touring exhibition in the UK, focusing on the rhetorical constructs game and play. This collaboration between Q Arts, Derby and HTTP Gallery, London provides a basis for exchange and interaction between audiences, artists, curators and writers through the exhibitions and networked activity.

How to date back Google Earth satellite images

GoogleEarth Image
Originally uploaded by christoph b..

Google Earth's images consist of a number of satellite images taken at various times. It is an ultimate challenge to find out, when exactly a certain picture has been taken. When I first tried Google Earth a couple of days after its launch, I noticed, the city of Bern, Swiss Capital, was not included in high resolution map yet.

After a couple of months though, I found out, that Bern had been added to the high resolution images.

Soon after, I began to wonder, at what time the picture had been taken.

Kill Yourself - Rebecca Cannon (Game Art & Mobile Technology).

Five years ago, Rebecca Cannon would probably have been called a media artist, a digital artist or a multi-media buff. Now she is best described as a game artist. Rebecca, the Australian artist, curator and writer has a keen interest in computer games as an art form. She created political shooters, mobile games, Java games and machinima clips, and is currently the curator of the online archive of art games Selectparks. Rebecca Cannon is a core figure in a group of game artists like Cory Arcangel, Mary Flanagan, Anne Marie Schleiner, to just name a few.

Month Of Sundays Live A/V Internet Mixing

FurtherNoise.org Presents
Month Of Sundays Live A/V Internet Mixing.

Featuring - John Kannenberg & Glenn Bach.
Open Mix - led by Ruth Catlow & Marc Garrett (Furtherfield & HTTP). Post performance soundscapes - with Alex Young (Furthernoise).

Date & Time: 16.00 - 18.00 hrs BST

RSS comics

For some time I've been interested in building stories out of recycled bits of the Internet. Especially live material; the idea of taking material that isn't at all intended to be used that way, and then changing it or using it out of context - I really like this idea. It can be fun and subversive, and you never know what you'll get.

Urban Eyes at HTTP Gallery

HTTP Gallery is pleased to present Urban Eyes, an intermedia project by Marcus Kirsch and Jussi Angesleva. Urban Eyes uses wireless technology, birdseeds and city pigeons to reconnect urban dwellers with their surroundings.

The Urban Eyes feeding-platform stands in one of London's public spaces. By landing on the platform, pigeons tagged with RFID chips send aerial photographs of their locality to surrounding Bluetooth-enabled devices. In this work pigeons become maverick messengers in the information super-highway, fusing feral and digital networks. HTTP Gallery provides an interface to the project, mixing live and documentary footage and offering visitors an opportunity to experiment with Bluetooth.


Download Bruce Sterling's RFID Rant (18.3mb) at SPACE Studios (Tues 16 May 2006)

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