Playful interaction and goal-oriented gaming explored through media arts practice. Game/Play
The exhibition opens at two different venues, in the UK and then joins, to tour as a single touring show. Game/Play is a networked national touring exhibition in the UK, focusing on the rhetorical constructs game and play. This collaboration between Q Arts, Derby and HTTP Gallery, London provides a basis for exchange and interaction between audiences, artists, curators and writers through the exhibitions and networked activity.
A lawsuit filed Wednesday accuses the Motion Picture Association of America of hiring a hacker to steal information from a company that the MPAA has accused of helping copyright violators.
The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California by Torrentspy.com parent Valence Media, doesn't identify the man the company says was approached by an MPAA executive. But the suit calls the man a former associate of one of the plaintiffs and alleges that he was asked to retrieve private information on Torrentspy.com, a search engine that directs people to download links.
Danny Boyd of the Many2Many multiblog recently scraped Jimmy Wales's response, to the recent uproar over Segenthaler's complaints, from a secluded email list and spread ithere . It's helpful to be reminded of academically approved uses of Wikipedia... that it may be used very well in the place of an encyclopedia but not as a replacement for a bibliography of books, journals etc.
An Iranian-Canadian blogger was stopped at the U.S. border, he told border guards he was on his way to a blogger conference. Hearing that, they Googled his name, found his blog, and spent some extra quality time reading it. They then decided to deny him entry based on the content of his blog.
The European Court of Human Rights held unanimously that there has been violations of Article 8. The United Kingdom leads the world in the deployment of Closed Circuit Tele Vision camera technology. However, we seem to have no coherent, legally enforceable rules or regulations which ensure that Public CCTV schemes are run properly.
Why, in the UK, is television reception controlled by licences, backed up by criminal penalties, but no licencing is required to install linked CCTV camera systems ?
Why does the controversial Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 not attempt to regulate CCTV Surveillance in any way ?
READ MORE HERE Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
I recently came across a movie about "Trusted Computing" that in my opinion is worth mentioning here.
The basic message is "why trust the industry if they do not trust their customers?" The movie is nicely animated and obviously origins in the anti tcpa movement. By Benjamin Stephan and Lutz Vogel
(Their server is a bit slow, so I have put a copy of the medium size file on the MA Rave College network, however, you can also use the torrent file.)
The Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF)has cracked the code used to secretly tag documents printed by color laser printers.
"At the request of the United States Secret Service, manufacturers developed mechanisms that print in an encoded form the serial number and the manufacturer's name as indiscernible markings on color documents," the EFF's white paper says.
The secret markings can be found by anyone with a blue light and a magnifying glass. The design makes it easy for governments, or anyone else to spy. Since anyone with common tools can view the printer's encoding, it could put important anonymous speech at risk. One can imagine a scenario in which one person creates two documents one with that person's name on it and the other anonymous. If another individual were to use a blue light to compare the two documents, the anonymity of the second document would disappear. That could be bad in a business setting or from an anonymous political speech point of view.
The EFF said it has identified similar coding on pages printed from virtually every major printer manufacturer though it has so far managed to crack the codes for only one Xerox model.
Freeopen, no money, and all the way up to the “Ideastore†- impressions.
With slide bitter lemons on the lips of the originators and activists, ended the open congress: see we did again something valuable for free, means for nothing, means for not the adequate amount of public money we deserve to get. And yes you are right. Competition is tough between Londonistan and Londinium about budgets which are limited and a lot of folks need to be paid and lets face it, its was not a charity event for homeless Net artists.