The VHS tape is officially dead according to UK audio-visual retailers. Although they will not be available from commercial outlets VHS will probably be around for a while because at present there is no more reliable or cheaper method of recording from TV. Technologies like DVD and sky plus are good but expensive. But does anyone watch television anyway. I know I don't. If there's anything which I hate with a passion at the moment, it is British TV.
It is always amazing what kind of compression ratios you are able to obtain these days, so it is with great surprise to find that the humble iPod music player now plays videos but also doubles as your... MP3 player.
But hot on the heals of this device is the small but friendly IPod wikipedia, it has all the punch, but none of the size, so you can now access wikipedia on the move.
Encyclopodia is a free software project that brings you the Wikipedia, which is one of the largest encyclopedias on the world, on the Apple iPod MP3-Player. It has been successfully tested on a third-generation iPod and on an iPod mini, but it should also work on other iPod generations. Best of all it's free.
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One of the major strengts of Google Maps is the fact that it has open interfaces and anybody can contribute and enrich the application by his or her own ideas. However, it is still a bit complicated to understand the Google Maps API (Application Programming Interface) particularly if you are not familiar with these kind of things. Therefore there is MyGoogleMaps that allows you to easily create your own map(s) within a web interface. It is still at very early stage but it looks already very promising.
Speaking of keyboards: The british manufacturer Eleksen presents a rollable QWERTY keyboard made of a material called "Fabric Keyboard" at the Consumer Electonics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, that is connectable to PDAs and Smartphones via Bluetooth.
At first glance the keyboard looks like a normal QWERTY keyboard, but don't let the looks deceive you. This is actually the first keyboard that have run across that is made with organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) on every key. Never heard of OLEDs? You are going to hear the term more often as they are brighter and more colorful than both LCD and Plasma screens, plus they don't require power-draining backlights. Let's take a look at how this new keyboard is going to impact the lives of millions.
Danny Boyd of the Many2Many multiblog recently scraped Jimmy Wales's response, to the recent uproar over Segenthaler's complaints, from a secluded email list and spread ithere . It's helpful to be reminded of academically approved uses of Wikipedia... that it may be used very well in the place of an encyclopedia but not as a replacement for a bibliography of books, journals etc.