About the obsolete man and the juvenescence of the machine. From Antonionis disappearing "Blow up" character to Microsoft's future scenarios for disappearing humans. Unknowingly and obvious industry illustrates open and proud the future of the disappearance of man. The figure and the hidden ground. The man is obvious (that's why obsolete) the machine is the hidden (that's why important).
In 1962 the author Arthur C. Clarke proposed the following three "laws" (MA students might like to bear this in mind):
1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
A while ago I wrote about how updating my ipod (4g clickwheel) to itunes 7 had killed my ipod (itunes killed my ipod!), falling victim to the sad ipod symbol which has become all too common occurrence for ipod users worldwide. If your ipod is out of warranty there is not a lot that can be done about it, unless you want to spend £166.29 having it repaired (quoted from apple site) or ebay-ing it for its spare parts (or taking a hammer and smashing it to pieces!)…or so I thought…
…such drastic action is probably not necessary. There is every chance you may be able to fix it, as I did, by taking some some rather bizarre actions….
The dawn of the web has given the word "publishing" a whole lot of new dimensions. In fact, the web is nothing but about publishing after all. Publishing means basically making content, mainly text, images and multimedia available for a broader audience. Since such a wide audience can now reach the web, online media has become an interesting channel for publishing. There are several advantages of online publishing, amongst which the most important one is probably the timeliness. Publishing on the web has become more or less instant, particularly since the rise of "Web 2.0", the participative web.
i am so angry. i recently updated my 4G ipod clickwheel to the latest version of itunes 7.01 and now its killed my ipod. Having searched the web, looks like this is serious hardware/firmware issue which many many people are also suffering with. And the worst thing is there's no fix. Apple 5 R's: Reset, Retry, Restart, Reinstall, Restore just aint working this time. and its just not good enough.