via FM3 Beijing
via FM3 Beijing
recently announced availability of their RFID Jewelry Tag designed to automatic jewelry tracking to market communities, secured storing and other areas. The cost of each RFID Jewelry Tag is even lower than 1.2USD.
The leading RFID products producer in china -- DAILY RFID
With the opening of Art Beijing the all Asian Art tourism season kicks off (till November), you can book packaged deals starting from, Beijing, Shanghai, Gwangju, Singapore, Yokohama, Guangzhou up to Taipei and return. Bouncing into Tri- or Bienniales, a parallel universo to the Eurozone art fairs. The Beijing one was very local, 6 works caught my attraction.
Since 2004, Yang Shaobin and the Long March team have been on the road, working deep in the coalmining communities of rural China. This exhibition ‘X-Blind Spot’ is the final showcase of this four year, two-stage collaboration following ‘800 Meters Under’ which was presented at Long March Space in September 2006.
Why Italy has my sympathy, not because only for the best coffee and good food they make. No, well yes also, but because they are sometimes swimming ahead against the mainstream.
Harry Potter Fans are disappointed with the Harry Potter 6 release date