


The three days festival was a "melting pot" for people with all sorts of expertise.
From people that know nothing about this exciting field of new media. To students that are keen on taking part in this "revolution". To artists and experts that made Open Source their way of living.
Which made it the ideal place for me to exhibit my work, and do some research for my project.
dpi - Digital Palestine Israel, is a work in progress, and the festival gave me an opportunity to receive some very helpful and constructive criticism.

TakeAway Workshops day2

(from left to right:) Jim Wood's Max Objects workshop and Adam Burt's Podcasting workshop from TakeAway Day2 (Thurs 30 March).

I actually attended Adam's workshop mainly because I have already had a number of Max msp lesson's with Jim.

I learnt a number of things during Adam's session, not only about how to Podcast but also it was interesting to learn about people's perceptions about the general podcasting 'hype'.


SOUND PERFORMANCE from Takeaway Festival

Sound Performances from Takeaway Festival
There were 4 perfprmance 29th: Breadboad Band, 30th:Julean Simon and
Jon Cambeul, 31th: The Handydandys.

All of them show us experimental performance and below are movie from Jon Cambeul and The Handydandys.


Takeaway DO It Yourself Festival was the best media/interactive arts event that I have been to in 2006, there were many excellent pieces that are very impressive. As well as the audiences, many of them are from the industry. It was a good chance to meet artists, lecturers, media company directors etc. Finally, it has been a great pleasure to be here with all the other artists

Rules & Regulations

So its the last day of Takeaway today, with the final lectures wrapping things up very soon...and I'm actually quite glad! 3 days of this has been pretty intensive, and I'm starting to get a little tired and bored of being told off every 5 minutes. There's far too many rules and regulations in this place. If its not that we're blocking fire exits, its that we have "fatal trailing cables in public through ways". Seeing that artists tend to be of the non-conformist type, this may prove problematic for the relatively new centre.

wierd custom-made instruments

Bad luck if you missed out on the sound performance on day 2 of Takeaway festival. Julean Simon's "midi wind controller concert" and Jon Cambeul's "Wacom Guitar" went down very nicely after 2 and a half hours of lectures.

Breadboard Band Strike Back

Sound performance from Takeaway festival (wednesday pm)

This time Shosei's infamous Breadboard Band have no technical problems and the performance is a major sucess. Nice one sushi (as Karel likes to call you - food on the brain as usual!)

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