Here is a typical Japanese farmer caught in the 20km safety zone.
About 60,000 metric tons of contaminated water lies in the basements of turbine buildings and trenches around the No. 1, 2 and 3 reactors, the company said last week. “If it doesn’t find a long term solution to the large quantities of highly radioactive water flowing out of the reactors, the scale of the disaster could end up exceeding Chernobyl,” White, from the Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center, said by telephone today.
Ok so finally after 4 weeks of disastering and lies we got the confirmation that Japanese disaster reached level 7. A level 7 accident, according to the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale, is typified by a “major release of radioactive material with widespread health and environmental effects.” Funny information on side, the Austrian Nuclear watch dog said some days ago that the wild pigs living in Austrian forest, have still today higher dose of radium in there bodies. This is from Chernobyl and this is from 1986.
Here a collection of comments and statements in this case.
Austrian Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger also expressed concern was in contact with the Chinese authorities to get him freed, Vienna said. Spindelegger had met with Ai in his studio on his last visit in Beijing.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a regular news conference that police were investigating Ai for unspecified economic crimes. "It has nothing to do with human rights or freedom of expression," Hong said.
MISS NUCLEAR 2010 and MISS NUCLEAR 2009. It is hard to belief but it exists, I think I do not need to write anything, the sides speak for it self.