The simplest is the best.
from 51st Venice Biennale.
Genious Guy Ben Ner's humorous instructional video shows how this tree becomes furnitures.
from 51st Venice Biennale.
The 51st International Art Exhibition opened to the public on June 12, 2005 which is made up of two different but complementary sections: The Experience of Art at the Italian Pavilion, and Always a Little Further at the Arsenale.
by Bruce Sterling
SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles, August 2004
The last speech at an awards ceremony can't be too short.
I'm Bruce Sterling, I'm a science fiction writer. I write novels. This is the first time I've ever been to SIGGRAPH. I always wanted to go.
My closet is full of old SIGGRAPH demo tapes. They're on VHS. I like to haul them out and play them for people at house parties. These are romantic icons of a lost world, these antique SIGGRAPH demo reels.
I have been the MA Interaction degree show from Royal college of art, one of the most successful "Sketch-a-move" project developed by Louise Wictoria Klinker and Anab Jain. Can you imagine you can draw a "track" on the top of the car itself, which is then converted by a processor in the car into direction that the car will follow. Draw a circle or square, and the car will continuously drive in a circle or square. Draw a straight line and it will go in a line and stop. Wow... their idea were completely changing the perception of human mind, such as how we control the cars without our own hand. This toy invites playful interaction. I thought it is really petty cool when I played with it.
pt researcher-Perry
posted to the NetBehaviour list 14th June
Utopia LIVE
Copenhagen Free University
Saturday 18th June
Noon – Midnight
The Copenhagen Free University presents a 12-hour long live broadcast from the university in Denmark direct to the Whitechapel auditorium. A cross between Big Brother and Andy Warhol’s ‘Sleep’, the transmission will be both an unedited presentation of daily life at the CFU as well as a choreographed and occasionally interactive series of events, talks, television, poetry, mess, music and waste. Aiming to examine the conditions of television in the context of cinema, the relationships between desire, information, capital and entertainment, the event will be a 12-hour long window of investigation allowing both the audience and those making the broadcast to explore an alternative structure and mode of engagement.
The auditorium will be accessible throughout the day with a single ticket. You can receive the broadcast schedule in advance by leaving your email address at: www.copenhagenfreeuniversity.dk
From Net Art News, Rhizome June 10, 2005
Kurating By Numbers
On the 4th of June, Tate Modern hosted the CURATING, IMMATERIALITY, SYSTEMS symposium to kick off its epochal Open Systems survey show of the conceptual and informatic art that swept the 1960s-70s. The conference acted as the first docking bay for UK-based programmer Grzesiek Sedek and curator Joasia Krysa's open source curating software KURATOR. Drawing on affinity between code art and curatorial praxis, the software tries to redevelop curating as a generative experiment in social relations, within and against an art world that is only beginning to bypass the genteel stultification of curator as the golden alibi of art markets and aesthete-at-large. KURATOR posits "software curating" as a way to distribute curatorial process over networks of people, including artists and others, and finally outwards from the special domain of an individual. It further combats the reification of taste by partially automating many of the traditional metiers that distinguish the curato! r - selectivity being one.
Its the only life I know is a poster project by [insertspace] in collaboration with Hewitt & Jordan. A series of four new posters created by Dave Beech, Hewitt & Jordan, Mark Hutchinson and Oliver Ressler will be available free from a number of distribution points in Birmingham. Visit thewebsite for more information.
Poster by Oliver Ressler
Posters will be distributed free of charge from:
B'ham Voluntary Service Council - 138 Digbeth High Street, B'ham, B5 6DR
The Electric Cinema - 47-49 Station st, B'ham, B5 4DY
Central Library - Chamberlain Square, B'ham, B3 3HQ
Cafe One Fairtrade - Broad Street, Fiveways, B'ham, B15 1DU
[insertspace] is a new artist-led project based in Birmingham. Projects develop out of collaborations with artists and curators; [insertspace] aspires to challenge the relationship between art and audience by working across public sites and contexts.